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May 11, 2009
Still Waiting on the Truth About the Terror Force One Fly-by
Ann Althouse's commenters have the goods (and prove once again that there's more combined sense and knowledge among a host of commenters than there is in any one journalist or blogger).
It boils down to this observation: the photo released by the White House, which is so obviously snapped as a souvenir by one of the escort pilots, cannot possibly be the reason for the flight. The Friday afternoon sacking of the White House military liaison was meant to shut people up and give the White House press corps a reason to let the whole thing go.
See the sunlight reflected off the window in the upper right? The edge of the cockpit in the lower right corner? This is an amateur photo, not the product of a professional photo op.
Update: Several commenters are mentioning the EXIF data. Per Althouse's commenters (linked above), the EXIF data was removed (probably with Photoshop). Slublog sends along this link with more info.
Another update: Nice Deb has digitially enhanced versions with analysis.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
11:45 AM
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