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May 11, 2009
Media Bottomfeeders (genghis)
You can take this CNN story in a number of ways, none of them good. It's regarding an Army vet who served in Iraq and and was convicted last Thursday of rape, murder and a host of other crimes. Four other members of his unit have already been convicted on charges related to the crime and are currently serving time.
As far as I'm concerned, if he's guilty of these crimes (and apparently is), he needs to get aquainted with a firing squad as soon as possible. Though it seems like a waste of perfectly good bullets.
That said, it's not the point of this post, merely background on the story. CNN could've just written it up as a straight news story, but simply couldn't help themselves:
""All of my buddies were getting killed over there. My lieutenant got his face blown off. ... George Bush and Dick Cheney ought to be the ones that are arrested."
Green, a high school dropout, was a product of Bush's hometown of Midland, Texas. He had enlisted in 2005, leaving the hot, dry, oil-rich land of the Permian Basin for another hot, dry, oil-rich land.
"Joining the Army was the worst decision I ever made," he said."
Yep. That added a lot to the narrative article. But I suppose that's what you come to expect from a news organization apparently staffed by people who write at the level of 12-year-olds. And not very bright ones at that.
Nicely done, you pieces of worthless shit. If only I could travel back in time to, say 9th grade, I'd hope to do a better job this time of beating the living fuck out of your smarmy A/V club asses. Apparently I didn't do a thorough enough job the first time around.

posted by xgenghisx at
06:05 AM
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