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May 06, 2009
Overnight Open Thread: Science and Chocolate [krakatoa]
Genghis is taking another night off to heal. Which, like Ace, probably involves a tranny hooker and a bottle of Val-u-Rite.
Unlike Ace, G-man is not the John in the scenario. And there's no telling what the bottle is really for. He's a trooper though, and prides himself on being willing to try just about anything in the name of expanding horizons like his hero, James T. Kirk.
Hey, speaking of Anatomy, let's go around the Scientific world in 5 links or less.
London - Scientists invent a biodegradable race car that runs on chocolate. Supposed to hit 145 mph. What could possibly go wrong?
They claim this "shows that it is possible to build a fast, efficient, environmentally friendly car."
Because what every environmentalist is dreaming of is a cocoa-powered one-seater made of carrots. I'm guessing this was funded by Nestle.
Indonesia - Anthropologists prove that unlike many readers of Very Smart Military Blogs, ancient Hobbits were not morons.
Amazing stuff, science. How could they possibly know? Turns out, you just have to know your hippopotamus brains.
Australia - It isn't science, but it may take one to determine: How is this man not gay? He's British, he rides ostriches, and he's moving to Queensland.
I kid, of course... he sounds like a really upstanding guy, doing lots of charity work.
California - The shameless pursuit of missile defense continues apace, with the successful launch of a new experimental tracking satellite.
One of these days, all this unproven technology is going to go berserk and do some real damage to a rogue ICBM, and then we'll be sorry.
And bringing us full circle back to Star Trek, NASA scientists claim Warp Drive is possible, and may even have evidence it has happened at least once already, in the moments following the Big Bang.
Which begs the question:
"If it could do it for the Big Bang, why not for our space drives?" Millis said.
Well, for one, to make it happen the first time required the entire mass of the Universe being compressed into a space roughly the size of Paris Hilton's brain. (I know, that's an estimate, but suffice to say you can't see it with the naked eye.) So unless you convince Excitable Andy that the cosmos is queer for bears, the chances are fairly slim that much mass will ever get packed so tightly again.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:54 PM
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