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Overnight Open Thread [krakatoa] »
May 05, 2009
Green fight! Malibu residents balk at U2 guitarist's environmental rape plans
There's nothing like some hot green-on-green action.
The Edge and his wife, Morleigh Steinberg, bought 156 acres in Santa Monica Mountains and now want to build five mansions there...
...The project proposed by The Edge calls for a cluster of five, 10,000-square-foot homes. The two-story, earth-toned dwellings would be the maximum size allowed in areas designated as environmentally sensitive habitat...
..."They’re claiming it’s a green environmental project, but you’d have to live in the houses a thousand years" to make up for the carbon dioxide emitted by the trucks hauling the dirt out, said Lawrence Weisdorn, president of the Serra Retreat homeowners association.
I drove through this area many years ago and seem to recall that as well as being "environmentally sensitive", it would be generous to call that stuff on the mountains "dirt". "Temporarily solid mud" would be a much better description.
Myself, I'd build my palatial mansions in the San Fernando valley so that I could rent them out to porn film makers when I'm not in town.