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May 03, 2009
Overnight Open Thread – Whatever Floats Your Boat (genghis)
So I guess we all went to a lotta’ trouble over nothing this morning about Paul Allen’s biggest toy. Somebody else had already converted the Powerpoint slideshow into a PDF and posted it online. Thanks to “poconojoe” for the original suggestion and “goy” for tech. wisdom along with also hunting down the link. Thanks to everyone else for all the other suggestions and offers of help as well. It’s up to you if it was worth all the effort.
A couple of other odds n’ ends on a fine spring Sunday evening”
This is kind of old, but since PeTA’s been popping up everywhere lately, “Jubal Anderson Early” sends along a CNN tale of PeTA’s efforts to convince the band “Pet Shop Boys” to rename the band the Rescue Shelter Boys. Ummm-kay. They refused the request by PeTA, but the most silly part of this already silly story is the following from the CNN article:
"West End Girls" is one of the many hits the group has had in its long career.”
I’d list them all, but we’re kinda’ limited on space here. And by the way…has it ever occurred to anyone at PeTA that that their own organization’s acronym contains a derogatory (and perhaps even species-ist) term for our animal companions?
And one other, though I think it’s been covered elsewhere if not here. “Matt” sends along an article from The American Thinker which further links to an article at The Hill in which our fine friends at PeTA want to set up a temporary hog farm on the steps of the U.S. Capitol building. According to their statement:
”In a statement, PETA says it hopes to replicate the conditions that led to the spread of swine flu and convince Americans to become vegetarians.”
“The potential exhibit would include three pigs, 3500 gallons of pig manure and urine and large fans. The group will also show undercover footage of hog farm conditions and distribute information on becoming a vegetarian.”
I thought the typical PeTA member was supposed to be something of a hipster (albeit a pale, undernourished and sorta’ sickly hipster), but still skilled in the methods of irony-fu. Sadly, I guess not. Lack of protein perhaps.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
06:20 PM
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