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May 03, 2009
John Edwards Confirms He's Under Investigation for Misuse of Camapaing Funds
The National Enquirer reported this two or three weeks ago. AP's Johnny-on-the-Spot now, only now that Edwards actually confirms it himself.
That's some reportage. Writin' down an admission someone makes.
National Enquirer > AP. Plus, the AP actually lifts it from a local paper.
Failed presidential candidate John Edwards, whose political action committee paid more than $100,000 to his mistress' company, acknowledged Sunday that federal investigators were looking into how he handled his campaign funds.
But the former North Carolina senator said he was confident no money was used improperly.
His political action committee paid Hunter's firm $100,000 for video production in a four-month span in 2006, and then paid an additional $14,086.50 on April 1, 2007. At the time, the PAC only had $7,932.95 in cash on hand, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission.
That same day, according to the records, Edwards' presidential campaign paid the PAC $14,034.61 for what is listed as a "furniture purchase."
The Deceiver notes that Edwards treats his mistresses like furniture. Mattresses, I suppose.
More serious than any of this is the role Edwards confidant and financial backer Fred Barron played -- he paid Reille Hunter's living expenses during the hush-up phase (and may have paid money to Edwards aid Andrew Young, who was pretending to have had the affair with Rielle, rather than his boss).
It sure looks like an unreported contribution to the Edwards campaign. An in-kind donation in the form of hush-money.
Barron's explanation for this is that he just wanted to help some good kids out.
Of course, Fred Barron's dead now, so cross examining him on that claim will be difficult.
Thanks to EdwardR and XBradTC.