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April 30, 2009
New GOP Outreach Effort...National Council for a New America
Doesn't the name just make you want to run out and take back the country? Or a nap. One or the other.
Maybe this will turn out to be great or maybe it will, you know, die of its own weight and self importance.
In an effort to revive the Grand Old Party's image, congressional Republican leaders are launching a series of forums and town hall meetings to engage the American public in policy discussion.
...The first event will be held Saturday at a town hall meeting in Northern Virginia. Topics will cover the economy, education, energy, health care and national security.
Some of the names involved are good...former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Rep. Mike Pence and noted Jew Rep. Eric Cantor.
Some are meh...John Boehner, David Dreier, Roy Blunt, Mitch McConnell, Jon Kyl, John Cornyn and Mitt Romney
And some need to go away...John McCain and Lamar Alexander.
It's a little unclear on whether Palin and Stanford were contacted but apparently the group is open to additional participation.
This kind of top down crap isn't going to work. Where are the bloggers, the writers, the folks that organized the tea parties? A bunch of elected officials isn't going to get anyone excited or motivated. The GOP really needs to try and tap into the energy and vitality of the active base and build from there. Some craptastic roadshow of 'notables' who are mostly noted for being an endangered species in the world of politics isn't going to change much.
posted by DrewM. at
01:53 PM
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