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April 24, 2009
Oh Good, Obama Agrees To Release CIA Photos Of Detainee Treatment
Congratulations to the not anti-American, just pro-terrorist ACLU for their victory. They, others on the left and S&M fetishists everywhere are of course giddy over Obama's new commitment to "transparency".
Naturally all this transparency (which oddly enough still doesn't include the memos showing the results of the program. Funny that*) comes at a price.
Calling the ACLU push to release the photographs "prurient" and "reprehensible," Dr. Mark M. Lowenthal, former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production, tells ABC News that the Obama administration should have taken the case all the way to the Supreme Court.
"They should have fought it all the way; if they lost, they lost," Lowenthal said. "There's nothing to be gained from it. There's no substantive reason why those photos have to be released."
Lowenthal said the president's moves in the last week have left many in the CIA dispirited, based on "the undercurrent I've been getting from colleagues still in the building, or colleagues who have left not that long ago."
"We ask these people to do extremely dangerous things, things they've been ordered to do by legal authorities, with the understanding that they will get top cover if something goes wrong," Lowenthal says. "They don't believe they have that cover anymore." Releasing the photographs "will make it much worse," he said.
If, God forbid, there's an attack on US soil during Obama's term, I don't want to hear "sorry about that" from him, Sullivan, Greenwald/Ellers and the rest. I want them to man up and say, "this is an acceptable price to pay for not being mean to those misunderstood Islamists".
Choices have consequences. My fear is we are all going to pay for theirs.
*And for the breathless lefties, no I'm not saying the ends justify the means. What I am saying is that 'transparency' is bullshit when it's selective. It's also impossible to have a reasonable public debate when the full context of such visceral images is being withheld.
If you really want to have this debate, fine. Just don't pretend this is a real debate or that Obama is doing anything but playing politics with national security.
Reminder from "Lee" in the comments...
And yet showing footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center is somehow crude.
Did I mention the whole, not-anti American, just pro-terrorist thing? Yes, I believe I did.

posted by DrewM. at
10:17 AM
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