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April 23, 2009
Obama's Energy Secretary Really Is An Idiot
There are so many choices for the title "Biggest Idiot in the Obama. Administration" From the man himself, through Sheriff Joe, Hillary "Reset" Clinton and of course Janet "Watch Out for Those Vets" Napolitano it's hard to pick one.
My personal preference is Energy Secretary Steven Chu. First he had no idea if he was actually part of the administration, then he wants to start a trade war over Cap and Tax.
This exchange (on nuclear power) from yesterday's House Committee on Energy and Commerce shows just how far in over his head this guy is.
REP. STEARNS: The first question I have is, this is directed to the Secretary of Energy. During your confirmation hearing, you testified that DOE has a legal obligation to safely dispose of nuclear waste. You said, “I’m supportive of the fact that the nuclear industry is and should have to be part of our energy mix in this century.” Doesn’t it concern you then that nuclear energy does not even seem to be a part of this bill? I think this is a follow-up to Mr. Upton’s question.
SEC. CHU: Well, while not specifically part of this bill, if you look at the sum package of all the bills like the American Recovery Act, nuclear energy is supported in those other bills.
REP. STEARNS: But don’t you think there should be a separate title in this bill for nuclear energy? Just yes or no.
SEC. CHU: Pardon? What was the question?
REP. STEARNS: Do you think there should be a separate title in this bill for nuclear energy? Just yes or no.
SEC. CHU: We’re looking forward to working with the committee on –
REP. STEARNS: No. Just yes or no. Do you think it should be? Can I have your yes or no answer?
SEC. CHU: A separate title in nuclear energy?
REP. STEARNS: Yes. Yes or no?
SEC. CHU: I think nuclear energy can be mentioned in this bill, but again it’s working with this committee and the administration in developing –
REP. STEARNS: Is that a “no” then? You don’t think that –
SEC. CHU: No. That was a, that was a – we will look forward to working with the committee and making sure that nuclear energy is part of our energy mix.
He also admits that his earlier call (like last fall) for $8/gallon of gas was 'silly', though he doesn't explain his sudden epiphany.
Follow the link for more outrageous BS from the people who want to regulate the hell out of the economy. They are simply clueless.
As for Chu, yeah, he's a brilliant physicist. I get that but he's not the Secretary of Physics. This is a political and economic gig and he's in way over his head. Which pretty much sums up the entire administration at this point.
Thanks to The Corner for the heads up.
A Bit More: "kefka" reminds me of something I meant to write. Chu is pretty clearly a figurehead. He's there so Obama can say, "I have a Nobel Laurette as my Energy Secretary." Clearly though the issues the department deal with have very little to do with his area of expertise and the sub-cabinet and White House policy aides are really running the show.
Chu actually deserves better than to be a dumb looking front man for this crew.

posted by DrewM. at
02:21 PM
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