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March 18, 2009
Energy Secratery Chu: Maybe We'll Start A Trade War With Countries That Don't Impose A Carbon Tax
When last we saw Secretary Chu, he wasn't quite sure he was part of the administration (that whole Senate confirmation and swearing in may have been an elaborate hoax or something). Good times, good times.
Unfortunately Chu realizes he actually is part of the administration and apparently that means he's contractually obligated to say stupid things that piss other countries off.
Mr. Chu, speaking before a House science panel, said establishing a carbon tariff would help “level the playing field” if other countries haven’t imposed greenhouse-gas-reduction mandates similar to the one President Barack Obama plans to implement over the next couple of years. It is the first time the Obama administration has made public its view on the issue.
Needless to say, the Chinese government heard that and wasn't amused.
Naturally as all of this is going on, there's mounting evidence that global warming, the ostensible reason we need a carbon tax in the first place, isn't actually panning out as the fear mongers keep claiming.
Nothing has more acutely demonstrated this than the reliance of the IPCC on computer models to predict what is going to happen to global temperatures over the next 100 years. On these predictions, that temperatures are likely to rise by up to 5.3C, all their other predictions and recommendations depend, yet nearly 10 years into the 21st century it is already painfully clear that the computer forecasts are going hopelessly astray. Far from rising with CO2, as the models are programmed to predict they should, the satellite-measured temperature curve has flattened out and then dropped. If the present trend were to continue, the world in 2100 would not in fact be hotter but 1.1C cooler than the 1979-1998 average….Sea levels are not shooting up but only continuing their modest 3mm a year rise over the past 200 years. The vast Antarctic ice-sheet is not melting, except in one tiny corner, the Antarctic Peninsula. Tropical hurricane activity, far from increasing, is at its lowest level for 30 years.
What are you going to believe, actual data or models that are shown to be unable to predict actual events? How you answer that questions says all that needs to be said on where you stand on the whole issue.
So to sum up, we are going to destroy our economy by taxing and regulating it to death while starting a trade war with a major trading partner (who we expect to continue to finance our reckless spending) all in the name of solving a problem that doesn't actually seem to be happening.
There's only one word for that...AWESOME!!

posted by DrewM. at
02:56 PM
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