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April 21, 2009
The Dumbass Nanny State Law Of The Day
From New York, of course. Don't feel so smug, crap like this starts here but it spreads.
New York could be the first state to ban the sale of cigarettes in drug stores as well as in supermarkets and big-box stores like Wal-Mart that have pharmacies.
..."They are incrementalists," said Audrey Silk of New York City Citizens Lobbying Against Smoker Harassment.
"How dare they decide what a company's message is and what they can sell based on the message they determined," Silk said. "It's socialism."
She argued the measure wouldn't reduce sales, but instead force smokers to go to gas stations and other retailers that don't also offer smoke cessation products along side them as pharmacies do now.
"Health care and cigarettes don't mix," said Russ Sciandra of the Center for a Tobacco Free New York. "Obviously it's going to provoke opposition from some powerful forces, but I think like a lot of issues we work on, this is coming sooner or later and let's do it sooner."
Cool, because during tough economic times for retailers, there's nothing better than eliminating a popular item from their inventory.
More importantly, there's really no end to what these busy bodies want to control.
I have an idea, just for funsies...let's make Russ submit to an inspection of his life and favorite activities. When we're done we will give him a list of things he may and may not continue to do. No account will be taken of his personal preferences or freedoms, it will simply be based on our whims and ability to gin up a mob willing to enforce our moral choices on him. How's that sound guy?

posted by DrewM. at
02:13 PM
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