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April 20, 2009
ExxonMobil Tops Fortune 500 for '08
Women, minorities hardest hit.
45 billion in profits on 442 billion in revenue, or around 10% if my slide rule ain't lying (it ain't).
Next up, Wal-Mart, with slightly tighter margins or a 3% profit of 13.4 billion on 405 billion in revenue.
Chevron (8%)
ConocoPhillips ( -7 %, ouch, bad gas)
GE (9%)
GM, Ford (more ouch)
AT&T (10%), etc.
For the life of me I cannot understand why the monster XOM doesn't just jack up the price and pull in 50 or 60% pre-tax?
It's just there for the taking Rex. Invisible hand my ass.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:16 PM
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