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April 16, 2009
Friendly Audience: Teabagging Network MSNBC Makes Deal With Napolitano; Only One Question Permitted on Extremist Report
As if they needed a deal from Teabagging, Inc.: MSNBC had only planned to ask one question. And that hard-hitting, probing question was to be:
Republicans are making political hay over this report, but really, it's important we keep an eye on the rightwing crazies and it's just transparently partisan for them to suggest otherwise, isn't it?
The MSM loves asking questions like that of their beloved Democrats. Hint, MSM: If you ever ask a question where a politician responds, "Yes, exactly," you're not asking them a question, you're merely offering them the opportunity to endorse their own talking points.
But a deal's a deal. One question. One tough, fearless question.
Here's video of this horrid cow facing tough questioning -- on that fake news network, Fox.
Read the Story, Ace: It is about MSNBC, but the fault here falls on conservative tilting morning host Joe Scarborough.
The main point stands: They don't have to ask Chris Matthews or David "Choadmaster General" Shuster for such guarantees. They know the questioning will not only be friendly, but indeed helpful.
For Scarborough, DHS Secretary Brian Urlacher demands the one-question treatment.