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April 15, 2009
France Thanks an American Veteran
Army 1st Sgt. William R. Johnson is awarded French Legion of Honor, their nation's highest honor for valor.
On Tuesday, Consul General Pierre Grandjouan presented Johnson, 89, that nation's highest honor for meritorious service to the country: the French Legion of Honor medal...
In a letter to Johnson, Pierre Vimont, the French ambassador to the U.S., said the award of "chevalier" the French equivalent of "knight" speaks of his country's gratitude "for your personal, precious contribution to the United States' decisive role in the liberation of our country during World War II."
A 24 year old 1st Sergeant pushed his men forward under machinegun fire and mortar barrage because he knew they'd be cut down where they were, and fighting was the way out.
Well done 1st. Sgt.
Tea Party Update: I have a roving reporter in Dallas, who'll give me the straight dope later with some pics and thoughts. Stay tuned, film at eleven.

posted by Dave In Texas at
07:01 PM
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