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Top Headline Comments 04-14-09 »
April 13, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (genghis)
Too lazy to actually hunt down tonight’s non-topic topic, so you’re on your own. (About the most interesting thing in the news today was the “Spokane Squirrel Detonation Plan” over in the “Top Headlines.” Sounds like the sort of thing one might see in a movie).
I filched a couple of things from Phil the News Junkie’s blog tonight since it’s a treasure trove of material. All of it’s worth reading, but my two favorites are videos he’s posted:
First up, because I hate all of you, is a sample video from a kid who is apparently the first person on YouTube to reach the 1 million subscriber mark. I sense there may be a Ritalin issue at play here.
Second one is (now that I think about it) somewhat similar to the first one, though in cartoon format. Maybe this foretells what the future holds for the kid in the first video. Safe for work, but I’ll avoid mentioning who the cartoon parodies. I can already envision an inbox full of angry e-mail, never mind the comments. Why add to those troubles?
One last item: Saturday night’s “commenter bestiary” ended up being pretty comprehensive, but I don’t recall seeing this one offered up: The “It’s Old” Commenter. This one inevitably shows up in any thread where the post has a link to any sort of video, humor piece, cultural phenomenon etc. to proclaim how cutting-edge he or she is by having seen it before. Doesn’t matter if it was 5 years, 5 months or 5 minutes ago, you are on notice that you’re behind the times, and in fact are something of a Neanderthal for that reason.
They’re a kind of updated intermesh version of the guy we all knew in high school. You remember him. You’d mention that you liked a band that had suddenly had a big hit or album and in return you’d get a snide remark like “I was into them a couple of years ago. Now they’re just a bunch of commercial sell-outs.” The real question is though: why didn’t you beat the living shit out of this smart-ass at the time? Or at minimum give him a swirly in the restroom? You’d have been providing a service to the rest of humanity.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:22 PM
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