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April 13, 2009
Hmmmm: Obama Didn't Order Rescue
As Uncle Jimbo notes, the forces already had standing orders to shoot to kill should an innocent life be in jeopardy. Obama merely ordered them to do what they already had orders to do -- take the shot if the Captain's life was threatened.
It seems that the commander in the field read this order liberally and decided, hell, they're pointing guns at the guy, he's in danger, pop them.
Like Clinton did with regard to Al Qaeda targets, Obama seems willing to give only vague if not outright meaningless orders and trust the troops to do what they ought to be ordered to do -- the catch is, of course, that Obama, having not technically told them to do much of anything, can disown and pillory them if they make an error or if the outcome is poor.
Via Jules Crittenden, with more.