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April 10, 2009
Overnight Open Thread/Ministry of Silly Very Cool Links (genghis)
“bfwebster,” who runs a most excellent blog called And Still I Persist sends in a heartwarming tale from Vanity Fair about The New York Times on the Precipice. It brought a tear (of laughter) to my eye. The synopsis of the article:
With a doomsday clock ticking for newspapers as we know them, no one has more at stake than fourth-generation New York Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., who is scrambling to keep his family’s prized asset alive. Some see him as a lightweight cheerleader, others as the last, best defender of quality journalism. Talking to company insiders, the author examines the nexus of dynasty and character that has brought the 57-year-old Sulzberger to the precipice.”
And the train of shadenfreude just keeps rolling down the track. As mentioned by Bruce at “And I Still Persist,” the photo montage that Vanity Fair puts in front of the article is like “a knife between the ribs.” A thing of beauty it is.
But any of the other three stories they have in the “morning links” sections are worthy of lengthy posts themselves (along with a most of their previous material I’m quite sure). I wish I could steal all of them. Along with the Vanity Fair article, the breakfast buffet includes:
1. An article from The Economist concerning the worldwide adoration of President Obama. However, many here at home believe that this ongoing love-fest means that those who should justifiably fear and respect America’s remaining power simply don’t.
2. An article from “The American” (published by the American Enterprise Institute) regarding a push by state regulators in California to ban big-screen TVs in order to save Mother Gaia.
3. Finally, there’s a link to a N.Y. Post article titled Anti-Piracy 101 which outlines some sensible and practical policies for stopping this bullshit, or at least curbing it somewhat. Of course that means none of these ideas will ever actually be adopted. There used to be a guy around here who did a number of posts about The Laws of The Seas, but I can’t recall his name or the last time I saw him.
Anyway, many thanks again to the guys at “And I Still Persist.” Good stuff. I also notice that no one has yet turned in their completed Cthulhus from yesterday. If you could have those on my desk by Monday morning that’d be great.
”Malor? Malor?
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:38 PM
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