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April 09, 2009
Overnight Open Thread/Art Period (genghis)
(Let's try this again without the technical glitches, shall we? Hopefully someone can delete the fucked up redundant post below, because gawd knows I've tried)
(More updatish: Looks like we've closed the space/time/blog rift between dimensions and the parallel post has vanished. For a brief second though I thought I heard a scream of utter despair as it went off into the Void. Oh well.)
O.K. class…get out your safety scissors and Elmer’s glue. On tonight’s thread you’ll be making your own desktop papercraft versions of My Little Cthulhu, courtesy of Dreamland Toyworks. (Acrobat Reader is required to get and print the cutouts) You may choose between the traditional green Cthulhu or the alternate red or black versions. Extra credit will be given if you also construct the cutout “victim” within this class period. (Those can be found at the bottom right corner of each Cthulhu cutout sheet)
Simply follow the non-existent instructions concerning “insert Tab A into Slot B” and you’ll be just fine. If you finish early, please restrain your Cthulhu from attacking classmates until at least 5 minutes before the end of the period. Any questions? No? Please start working now, and as I always remind you, the glue is not meant to be eaten. Only souls.
When finished, your Cthulhu should look approximately like this and already eager to consume souls.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:48 PM
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