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Overnight Open Thread/Art Period (genghis) »
April 09, 2009
ASU Students Parlay Their Tics to Obama Commencement, ASU Freaks Out
I threw this in the sidebar earlier, but one part of this story kinda stuck in my craw, as they say in Connecticut.
It was this..
The university, which isn't selling tickets, is not amused. Seniors who are selling the tickets instead of inviting guests are robbing other people connected to ASU -- returning students, faculty and staff -- of the chance to see Obama, university spokeswoman Sharon Keeler said.
and this...
When students are selling their tickets, they're taking away from the ability of someone else from the university community to go," she said.
A notice on ASU's Web site warns that selling the tickets would be a violation of the school's student code of conduct. The school is monitoring the online advertisements, and anyone caught would be referred to the university's judicial system, Keeler said.
She said she didn't know what punishment the violators could face.
You know why she doesn't know what punishment the violators could face? Allow me to splain. Because they haven't figured out what violation of the university's "total fucking embarassment clause" they're committing.
They will. They just didn't know today, when the story broke. And they are NOT. AMUSED. (ponder that bullshit from the impartial writer).
Students. Who have been given tickets are selling something that's been given to them (as part of their $90,000 investment in a degree), a pass to see His Esteemedness. And because this has run afoul of the law of unintended consequences (who the fuck would sell a ticket to an Obama commencement?), there should be hell to pay.
Nope. They can sell em if they want to, and I'd love to watch ASU's counsel defend any persnickety punishment (like, oh say withholding a diploma, good luck Sun Devil Beagles) they think they can manage within budget.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:20 PM
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