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April 07, 2009
Voting Light in Illinois Fifth Election to Replace Rahm Emmanuel; Republicans Should Vote
Brown Line writes to say that voting is light in his polling station. Anecdotal, sure, but we're actually running a Republican worth voting for there.
I live in the Illinois Fifth Congressional district, which is having a
special election for the House seat vacated by Rahm Emanuel. The
Republican, Rosie Palladio, is an independent Republican - she hasn't
gotten a dime from the national or state parties - who is strongly
pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, and anti-illegal immigration. What makes
matters interesting is that the Democrat, Mike Quigley, is an ally of
Forrest Claypool, a Cook County commissioner who's at odds with the
Daley/Stroger/Obama machine.
Everything I've seen in my heavily Democratic precinct is that the
machine is sitting this one out: they've done no get-out-the-vote work
at all. My guess is that they would not be entirely unhappy if Quigley
were beaten, even if it meant sending Republican to Congress: the enemy
of my enemy, and all that. Meanwhile, Rosie is counting on the issue
voters showing up, especially the pro-2nd Amendment types. My wife went
to her open house last Sunday, and practically everybody there was a cop
- she's a former police dispatcher - so she may be getting some votes
from some unexpected sources.
Anyway, the turnout is extremely light today: when I voted at 8 AM, the
polls had been open two hours already, in the busiest part of the day,
and only 12 ballots had been cast, including mine.
So, if any Morons live in the Illinois Fifth, the message is: Vote! We
just might steal one ... and give The One a black eye in the process.
If this snuck up on you, you can find your polling place here.