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April 05, 2009
Kos Sez: Conservatives "Kill Cops"
Not just some jackass poster but the head jackass poster, Markos "Screw Them" Moulitsas, chimes in with some of his patented trenchant analysis of the nut job that killed 3 cops in Pittsburgh yesterday.
Via Kos' Twiter account (safe link to NewsBusters)
When we were out of power, we organized to win the next election. Conservatives, apparently, prefer to talk "revolution" and kill cops.
NewsBusters also points out dipshit Kos had nothing to say about the cop killings in Oakland or the leftists that supported the killer.
Allow me to demonstrate my grasp of the painfully obvious....Kos is a despicable piece of shit.
More: Politics shouldn't enter into a tragedy like this but since it has let's remember that Bill "Friend of Obama" Ayers was "credibly accused, in classified testimony before a Senate subcommittee in 1974, of involvement in the murder of a police officer in San Francisco". Now he's an honored member of society.
Hey Markos, I assure you the killer of these officers will never be celebrated in conservative circles.

posted by DrewM. at
03:25 PM
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