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Mickey Kaus Posts "JournoList" Thread »
March 26, 2009
Border Sensors, Smart Fences?
Fuck that. We can't even kill the tall weeds around the Rio Grande that provide cover for our newest, welcomest work force ever.
The Border Patrol agreed to delay aerial spraying of the herbicide, which was set to begin Wednesday, until more talks were held with Mexican officials on the possible cross-border impact of such a project.
Israel Reyna, an attorney for the residents, said the decision to delay spraying wouldn't prevent the group from going forward with the lawsuit. "The day the court says, 'It's not going to happen,' that's when it's not going to happen," he told the newspaper.
I know in this 60-whatevereth day of the Age of Obamaness, one more straw on the camel's back just doesn't feel like much. We're weary, as ace mentioned yesterday. Goddam, we're already tired of multi-TRILLION dollar deficits and "Timmy G" private sector grabass, and what the hell else will we have to deal with before it gets hot in fucking Texas?
A lot, but perhaps not as much as we all think. Thought. Whatever. Drew, help me with the verb tense here.
I am just old enough to remember the last giddy power grab, the first hunnert or so days of Clintonia and health care. They fucked it up with arrogance, two shakes of hubris and a dollop of "we gots us a mandate here you plebes". But it took a full year to drive the stake into the heart of that one.
A year. Of digging in our heels and saying "oh, hell no".
I know I'm naive (and don't you find my naiveté refreshing?!) but at some point even the dolts say "whaaaa?".
It's a percentage thing. Closer to 50 than last time though, I'll admit as much.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:08 PM
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