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March 26, 2009
And Even More Paranoia
The theme of the day. A canvasser for Organizing for America, aka Oliver's Army Obama's Army:
“We’re looking for supporters,” said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event’s organizers. “We’re not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.”
I can't tell from the report whether he means this literally or metaphorically. Metaphorically, I suppose, though there's nothing in the account to determine it one way or the other. They already are fighting politically -- for Obama's obscene deficits -- so one wonders what fights they might have in mind, "later."
It should also be noted that left-wing trust-fund revolutionary types often employ the language of warfare without any real intent to do any warring themselves. But they do hope their unhinged rants will provoke others -- who aren't as soft and pussified as themselves -- into "direct action," as they call it.