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March 18, 2009
Wow, We Really Dodged a Bullet with Sarah Palin, Huh?
A point made a thousand times but it just never gets old, at least not for me.
I'm so glad we don't have Sarah Palin getting on-the-job training as Vice President. Instead, we have Obama getting on-the-job training as actual President. With the calm, reassuring hand of Slurpee Joe Biden there to guide him.
Now that the Obama presidency is nearing the 60-day mark, it’s time to thank those fastidious scribes on the left and the right who worked so hard to warn us against Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, and the dire things that would surely occur if she ever got close to executive power.
How right they were to insist that she was unfit for high office. Let’s just imagine what she might have done:
As president, she might have caused the stock market to plunge over 2,000 points in the six weeks after she assumed office...
I'll delete the litany of Obama, Biden, and Hillary miscues, which you're all too familiar with.
What a good thing that Palin, whom Christopher Buckley called “an embarrassment, and a dangerous one,” wasn’t in office to cause such debacles, and that we have Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton instead.
Huh? While indulging in prose such as this, the Palinphobes didn’t seem to understand the implications of Palin’s record as governor, which they appear to never have looked at, while obsessing over her life in Alaska (too rural), her children (too many), and her exploits as a huntress (too much).
This is the flip side of their refusal to be disturbed by the fact that Obama had no record to speak of, as long as he looked like a Gap or Vogue model, and could write and could talk up a storm. A Gap or Vogue model would never disgrace you, and besides, he was there.
“You’re camping, and you wake up one morning and there is a mountain,” as David Brooks put it. “The next morning, there is a mountain...Obama is just the mountain. He is just there.”
There is, of course, more. Click through Hot Air to get it.
And add another one to the What if Bush Did It? file: Obama's make-vets-pay-for-their-own-combat-injury-treatment money-saving plan is so ghastly that even Jon Stewart asks "What the fuck are you thinking?"
But Obama's not dumb, or callow, or frighteningly ideological, or hopelessly overwhelmed and out of his shallow depths. No, it's just a brain-fart, a "What the fuck are you thinking?" moment. Such tin-eared stupidities reflected badly upon Bush and gave us great insight into the limits of his intellect; with Obama, it's just a Smart Guy Doin' Something Stupid. Again.
No big deal. He went to Harvard and he has the polished charm of a provost. We know he's brilliant, even if he behaves stupidly nearly every moment he's alive. Are you going to believe me or your own lyin' eyes?
He is, you understand, the mountain. He's just there.
BTW: I have urged Sarah Palin to reinvent herself as a policy wonk to rehabilitate her tattered pubic image.
But perhaps that will be unnecessary. Barack Obama isn't merely destroying his own unearned reputation for smarts; he's adding to Sarah Palin's day by day. The public is beginning to wonder if Obama really was as prepared and brilliant as he press swore; and if they're wondering about that, they must also be wondering about other claims the press swore to, such as the lack of preparation and weakness of mind of Sarah Palin.