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March 16, 2009
Obama: Yeah, We Might Try And Get Insurance Companies To Cough Up Money For Treatment Of Vets
When the idea that the government might go after the private insurance companies for money spent treating vets for service related treatments started popping up on milblogs I didn't pay it much attention. I figured it was something some idiot bureaucrat came up with when the administration said, 'how can we cut costs?'. I figured once it reached higher levels, sanity would assert itself and this idea would be discarded as stupid, immoral and political suicide.
Well, that's the last time I give this bunch of ass clowns the benefit of any doubt. Officially, the administration says it's an idea under consideration but one interested party has spoken with the President and seems to think it will happen
“It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,” said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. “He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it.”
I've been leery of wondering aloud what impact an Obama administration would have on military recruitment because I think most Americans who volunteer do so out of a deep calling and sense of patriotism. The kind of reasons that go beyond any one President. While I still think that's true, this is a despicable case of breaking the faith with those who have served that can't but lead to questions if one wants to serve under such a commander.
If Obama is stupid enough to go through with this, I eagerly await the well deserved ass kicking it will get in Congress.
One last thought...Hey John McCain, do you still think Obama is a 'decent person'?

posted by DrewM. at
06:30 PM
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