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February 25, 2009
Candace Kita's USO Visit [dri]

In keeping with the Ace of Spades HQ reputation as being a "very smart military blog", I would like to introduce a good friend of mine and share with fellow AoSHQers her volunteer work with the USO. Candace Kita is an aspiring actress and model who's credits include working alongside the likes of Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Adam Sandler, and Pamela Anderson. The role she has become most proud of though is that of a USO volunteer.
Earlier this week, Miss Kita visited the Bob Hope USO Center in Los Angeles to visit with troops preparing to deploy overseas and show them that America supports them and their important mission.
“I’ve always wanted to serve my country through the USO and am excited about this opportunity”, Kita said, explaining that she was interested in joining an overseas USO tour.
USO performers are there to shake hands, sign autographs, and help service members and their families feel a little closer to home. Entertainers come from many different backgrounds with a variety of talents and visit the most remote military installations. Performances often take place in unique locations, such as airplane hangers, flatbed trucks, military tents and bunkers.
“The USO has a long history of entertaining the troops and I’m proud to be a part of it. I toured the facilities and saw military personnel getting ready to be shipped overseas. So many men were saying good bye to their wives and little babies”, said Kita.
Please join Candace in this noble cause. The USO and most importantly the troops, need you.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:10 PM
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