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February 25, 2009
Overnight Open Thread, Post-Speech Wrap-Up and Assorted Loose Shit (genghis)
President Obama’s speech seemed to be fairly well received tonight. In case you missed it, here’s an audio link. Clearly he touched on a number of salient points and said words and stuff, in a speech-like manner. Among these (according to the transcript of the speech):
1. “The Cabinet gets shirts. Not t-shirts! Don’t make a fucking maniac out of me! That’s just the fucking way it is! No fucking pant suits Madame Secretary! The Senate gets shirts too! And pants! Where’s Joe?
2.”There’s a lot of loose shit going on here! You’re on notice John (presumably to Sen. John F. Kerry, D- Mass –ed.)…we’re only as strong as our weakest link! Where’s Joe?”
3. “I’m the only important one up on this podium, behind the teleprompter! Put me some knowledge! I’m on that kind of integrity kick! Get it fucking right! Where’s Joe?”
4. “When I move, I slice like a fucking presidential hammer! Where’s Joe?”
5. “Where are the carriers Joe?”
Strong words indeed.
Or if integrity kicks and hammer slicing aren’t your cup of tea and macrame is, IllTemperedCur provided us with a link regarding Tactical Macrame last night. Sure, it sounds ghey, and is, but who amongst us haven’t at one time or another thought about knitting a Glock cozy or something similar?
But the link to that also led to another link called Bills of Lading. It’s a blog from a captain of large merchant vessels. Actually kind of interesting, though no mention of ass pirates from what I’ve read so far.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:38 AM
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