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February 20, 2009
Moyers' Reputation Keeps Taking Hits
Huh. Looks like Bill really was the go-to guy for sex-related dirt, wasn't he?
Only a few weeks before the 1964 election, a powerful presidential assistant, Walter Jenkins, was arrested in a men's room in Washington. Evidently, the president was concerned that Barry Goldwater would use that against him in the election. Another assistant, Bill Moyers, was tasked to direct Hoover to do an investigation of Goldwater's staff to find similar evidence of homosexual activity. Mr. Moyers' memo to the FBI was in one of the files.
...In other words, Moyers didn't just use the FBI to dig up dirt on the sex lives of fellow members of the Johnson Administration. He used the FBI to dig up dirt on the sex lives of the president's chief political rivals.
As Peter Wehner points out at Commentary,
Moyers' own insufferable sanctimony regarding the behavior of others makes this a notable story.
If any lefties feel like whining about the 'irrelevancy' of this story, I have two words for you: Bill Bennett.

posted by Slublog at
10:36 AM
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