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February 19, 2009
Hope And Change...US Silent About Defending Israel (And The Truth) At UN "Human Rights" Scam Conference
Remember the American and Israel hatefest known as UN World Conference Against Racism held in Durban in 2001? Even Colin Powell found it so noxious that he was forced to pull the US delegation out in disgust.
Well, like a disease that anti-biotics can treat but not cure, the usual cretins are back for more.
Unfortunately, so is the US. The Obama administration decided to participate in the preparatory meetings supposedly to help improve the final product. Alas, when push is coming to shove, they are acquiescing to evil by not speaking in favor of language about the Holocaust (surprise! Iran objected) or against efforts to single out Israel as a racist state (this was offered by some country called "Palestine" which I've never heard of).
As Anne Bayefsky writes at NRO
What is more visible is that the U.S. has little to gain for itself — or for global human rights — from participating. Under the consensus rule, many important suggestions have gone unadopted. A proposal to condemn human-rights violations based on sexual orientation ran into immediate objections from South Africa, Syria, Algeria, Iran, Botswana, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Morocco, Holy See, Libya, Egypt, and China. Pakistan said no to a provision that sought to make violence against women and children a criminal offence. Iran balked at a call for states to promote gender equality, and at a suggestion to ensure that the concept of multiculturalism is not used to infringe human rights.
U.S. strategy is evidently to announce the United States participated actively in the planning session, made proposals, and was given a warm welcome. Continuing efforts to improve the final result, it will be argued, are therefore warranted. The pace is sufficiently slow that this refrain will be repeated until it is so late in the day that walking out would cause a major diplomatic furor, which will in turn be used to justify attendance at the Conference itself. Obama’s hunger for engagement, in and of itself, is apparently his first priority. Israel is way down on the list and and American first principles are now subject to discussion.
There's much more at the link.
It's going to be a long 4 years.

posted by DrewM. at
05:24 PM
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