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February 18, 2009
Spokesman: Obama Administration Opposes The Fairness Doctrine
Of course as we know, all Obama statements come with an expiration date so get out your salt and spread it to suit your taste.
The statement is the first definitive stance the administration has taken since an aide told an industry publication last summer that Obama opposes the doctrine -- a long-abolished policy that would require broadcasters to provide opposing viewpoints on controversial issues.
"As the president stated during the campaign, he does not believe the Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated," White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said.
Of course he was sort of kind of against the Buy America requirement in the so-called "stimulus" bill but that survived.
Given how he's gone back on other campaign promises that his base was counting on, I'm not sure referring to a promise that his opponents likes is the most reasuring thing in the world at this point. Let's Hope this is one thing he doesn't Change his mind on.

posted by DrewM. at
03:23 PM
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