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February 17, 2009
US To Send 10,000 17,000 More Troops To Afghanistan
Just two weeks after there were reports that the Obama administration would delay any decisions on increasing troop levels in Afghanistan, the administration is about to announce just that.
The troop deployment to Afghanistan will be announced as a "remissioning," meaning many, if not most, of the forces were already scheduled to deploy to Iraq but will now be diverted to Afghanistan.
That will reportedly include two Marine combat battalions and one Army combat brigade. According to one Pentagon official, because this "remissioning" will, in fact, redirect troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, it will be politically characterized as a "drawdown" of U.S. military forces in Iraq, permitting the White House to claim in this one announcement that President Obama is making good on two campaign promises -- withdrawing forces from Iraq and sending additional forces to Afghanistan.
Godspeed to the troops and their families.
UPDATE: Remember the US commander in Afghanistan asked for 30,000 more troops but apparently Barack H. Obama Super Genius knows better.
And why is this even an issue? Aren't our "allies" in Europe and elsewhere just rushing to provide more troops now that the Lightworker has replaced that mean Mr. Bush?

posted by DrewM. at
03:20 PM
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