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February 15, 2009
Overnight Open Thread. Just Dialing it in Edition (genghis)
Sorry it’s late…got ‘puter problems. Or is it pooter problems? Is there a difference? That’s the last time I ever buy a pc from this company. I was promised a superior gaming experience but instead it seems to spend most of its time trying to take over various satellites and getting into pointless snits with DoD computers about who really controls what. Meanwhile I can’t ever even get in a decent session of “Gears of War.” Plus it won’t let me leave the house anymore.
Nothing newsy, so as usual pretty much anything is fair game, particularly if it didn’t get picked up by today’s earlier posts and you’re in a sharing mood.
Here’s a little something though: Time Magazine (via CNN) has provided us with their list of Top Ten List of Disastrous Letterman Interviews. At least in their opinion. Link has vids of all the interviews, but it’s in that annoying slideshow format where you can’t jump directly to one but have to click through to get there. The infamous clip of Andy Kaufman getting slapped by the pro wrestler is included.
So maybe something to keep you company as you patch and repair your inflatable companion tonight. I mean, after all, she’s done so much for you so maybe it’s time to show her a little tlc for once.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
01:01 AM
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