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February 11, 2009
Terrorist: Stop Using Sex as a Weapon
In 2004, a terrorist suspect claims the US tortured him by holding him down and forcing him to have sex with a female soldier. Via Hot Air's headlines, everything old is new again!
Fahim Ansari is accused of helping to plan the attacks in which 173 people were killed in November.
His lawyer, Ejaz Naqvi, has filed legal papers with Mumbai magistrate's court, claiming the "white woman" removed all his clothes and showed him pornographic films.
In the papers, he claims that three foreigners, including the woman, sexually abused him, causing him "severe itching and wounds" on his body, including his genitals.
Mr Ansari, a devout Muslim, claims this amounts to torture because it is against his religion, The Sun newspaper has reported.
reach back into the AoSHQ greatest hits archive for an appropriate response to these charges, shall we?
Hmmmm... two men forced this poor man down, while a woman forced him to have sex with her.
This is a Penthouse Forum fantasy, not a credible f**king charge. This is the sort of fantasy concocted by a sexually-repressed Islamoretard who believes such things are possible in the decadent US
We should be so lucky.
Dear Penthouse Forum,
My name is Neisef, and I am a student at a large Middle-Eastern university. I never thought these letters were real, until something happened to me to make me believe all these stories were true.
Click the link for the rest. Definite language warning, but the overall point still stands. Does this story pass the derisive chuckle test?

posted by Slublog at
11:27 AM
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