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Overnight Open Thread. (genghis) »
February 11, 2009
Oh, That's What FaceBook is For
I was wondering. I see and hear people playing with it but have no idea what the point is.
Now it's so clear.
Describing a pattern of manipulation and deception using the social networking site Facebook, the Waukesha County district attorney today announced sexual assault charges against a New Berlin Eisenhower student who authorities say coerced male students into sexual encounters.
Anthony R. Stancl, 18, posing as a female on Facebook, persuaded at least 31 boys to send him naked pictures and then blackmailed some of the boys into performing sex acts under the threat that the pictures would be released to the rest of the high school, authorities say.
All 31 boys attend New Berlin Eisenhower High School.
The sexual assaults occurred in the high school bathroom, the high school parking lot, the public library restroom, Valley View Park, Malone Park and at some of the victims' homes, authorities say.
At least seven boys were forced into performing sex acts. The 31 males range in age 13 to 19. The youngest sexual assault victim is 15.
It gets worse:
I'm really surprised that so many were blackmailed into this. Seems to me... um, the blackmailees have an awful lot of goods on the blackmailer, too. More, in fact.
Why not go to the cops? Would they turn down the chance to bust down on a pedophile blackmailer? Honestly, people are very odd sometimes.
Odd? Oh wait, it's spelled "stupid."
Thanks to CITC.