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February 10, 2009
Wow - Jack Cafferty goes apeshit on Pelosi, gives R's props
In other news, I just saw a flock of pigs flying over my house and elephants dancing down the street. There have also been local rumors at my favorite bar of hell freezing over.
...My guess is President Obama is busy these days sticking pins in his Nancy Pelosi doll. To his credit, Obama argued against a lot of the pork while stressing that time is our enemy. Pelosi could care less.
As the legislation headed for the Senate amid cries for more stimulus and less pork, the Republicans pounced. Sensing yet another Democratic miscalculation, the Republicans seized the advantage in the debate.
They want more tax cuts and more real stimulus -- stuff that will create jobs now. Not some pie in the sky proposal that may pay dividends years down the road. And they're right...
Nancy Pelosi VooDoo dolls are available here.