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February 05, 2009
President Hope and Change the Thermostat Tells DoE Employees To Step Up Efficiency Standards
Pitching the energy portion of his massive hurry up spending steamer, and promising to end the "tyranny of oil in our time".
Not sure if the reporter is just that dumb putting the quote in the story, or Obama thought it sounded catchy before he moved on to coal-fueled power plants, but the tyranny of oil in our time as it pertains to electricity production isn't really all that tyranical.
To wit. 11% and declining.
Anyway this part of the plan doesn't seem to have any money targeted at developing more efficient homes and appliances, just more efficient development of standards that will force goodness and change.
The president spoke to employees at the Department of Energy, where he announced that he signed a memorandum asking the agency to speed up work on new efficiency standards for household appliances, furnaces, air conditioners, lighting, commercial equipment and other products. The standards set the minimum energy efficiency level on products that can be sold in the United States.
"This will save consumers money, this will spur innovation, and this will conserve tremendous amounts of energy," Obama said.
I haven't looked at PA's updated list yet, so for all I know there's eleventy billion dollars in there for "writing standards".
posted by Dave In Texas at
08:30 PM
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