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February 04, 2009
Rasmussen Poll...Support For "Stimulus" Continues To Erode
Only 37% support the plan and the number has declined steadily over the last two weeks. Extra fun bonus...50% of people think "is at least somewhat likely to make things worse rather than better".
According to the poll there is a plan people seem to like.
A stimulus plan that includes only tax cuts is now more popular than the economic recovery plan being considered in Congress. Forty-five percent (45%) favor a tax-cut only plan while 34% are opposed. Those figures reflect a modest increase in support over the past week.
In addition to being popular a tax cut plan also has the added advantage of being likely to work.
Alas, that's not the direction things seem to be moving.
The cost of President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan now exceeds $900 billion after the Senate added money for medical research and tax breaks for car purchases.
It could go higher Wednesday if a tax break for homebuyers is made more generous, even as centrists in both parties promise to clear away spending items that won't jump-start the economy immediately.
...At the same time, centrist senators, including Ben Nelson, D-Neb., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, are seeking to cut tens of billions of dollars from the legislation. They're operating with the blessing of Democratic leaders, who hope a successful effort could attract some GOP votes for Obama's plan.
It's really amazing, they are adding costs while talking about cutting costs. It's almost as if they are just throwing shit against the wall with no real plan. What could go wrong with that kind of strategery?

posted by DrewM. at
11:31 AM
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