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February 02, 2009
Lynch to Appoint Republican if Gregg Nominated?
Bumped: Gregg Accepts
Bump and Update:
CNN is reporting that Gregg has accepted and that Lynch intends to appoint Bonnie Newman, Gregg's former chief of staff, to replace him. The official announcement is expected tomorrow.
Thanks to Dave in Texas.
Who is Bonnie Newman? The Boston Globe describes her:
Newman served as assistant secretary of Commerce for economic development in the Reagan administration. She was in charge of administrative operations for the George H.W. Bush White House.
She was chief of staff to Gregg when he was a congressman in the 1980s, and she was one of the first Republicans to publicly endorse Lynch in his 2004 challenge of then-Republican Governor Craig Benson, and co-chaired Republicans for Lynch.
Original Post is Below the Fold:
That's what the headline says, and also the scuttlebutt that has been on talk radio, but that's not actually what Lynch's statement says. Here it is in full:
"We are in the midst of a national economic crisis, and it calls for cooperation on all of our parts. We all need to work together to do what is in the best interest of our country and our state.
"I have had conversations with Senator Gregg, the White House and U.S. Senate leadership. Senator Gregg has said he would not resign his seat in the U.S. Senate if it changed the balance in the Senate. Based on my discussions, it is clear the White House and Senate leadership understand this as well.
"It is important that President Obama be able to select the advisors he feels are necessary to help him address the challenges facing our nation.
"If President Obama does nominate Senator Gregg to serve as Commerce Secretary, I will name a replacement who will put the people of New Hampshire first and represent New Hampshire effectively in the U.S. Senate."
Where in there does he promise to appoint a Republican? Gregg should ask for firmer assurances.
posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:28 PM
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