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January 31, 2009
Octo-Mom Kinda Weird
She's not married and already had six kids. Wanting "just one more girl," she implanted eight fertilized embryos and all went to term.
So now she's got fourteen kids.
Incidentally, I notice that Feministing hasn't commented on this at all, and I went back through five dreary pages of posts. Their usual joke -- "It's a vagina, not a clown car" -- is MIA. They tend to do this: There is no male villain in the story they can yell at about this, so it's not a story as far as they're concerned. If she'd had a husband, they would have posted about this twenty five times by now.
Furthermore, this was this woman's choice, and women's choices can never be questioned.
So they just ignore it.
They did the same thing, as far as I can tell, with the alleged virgin selling her purported virginity in a confirmed whorehouse. I looked at the time, because I was curious which wildly-disproportionate response they would arbitrarily choose -- wildly praising her for sticking it to the patriarchy, or savaging her for allowing herself to be "programmed" by the patriarchy's heteronormative regime -- but they seem to have skipped that one, too.
Those are the feminists only two possible reactions -- wild praise and savaging -- and often it seems like the decide on the flip of a coin which to indulge in. An ad featuring breasts gets savaged; an ad making cheeky references to "beavers" get praised. What exactly is the criteria by which such disparate reactions are decided?
Almost none at all, it seems. But damnit, they're going to have an opinion on anything involving pooter or tits and either way it's going to be a hyperbolic one.
But in these two cases, I guess the coin refused to flip and simply stood on its edge. The Sisterhood of Solidarity, apparently unable to reach a Group Consensus as to whether Extreme Reaction A or Extreme Reaction B was called for, simply passed altogether.