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January 23, 2009
Notorious Whore Uses a Lot of Smart-Talk and College-Lip to Justify Her Skankery
This is really a sidebar kinda thing. But she's so annoyingly mendacious it's worth highlighting.
When I put my virginity up for auction in September, it was in part a sociological experiment—I wanted to study the public's response. Now it seems that the tables have turned, and the public is studying me.
Whore makes spectacle of herself; shocked to find she's spectated.
I’m a 22-year-old woman who recently earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies, and soon I’ll be entering a Masters Degree program in Marriage and Family Therapy.
I always thought the editors just made up these stories, but then something happened to me that changed my mind forever....
During the time in between, in addition to my regular 9-to-5, I’ve been exploring my upcoming thesis project: the value of virginity. To be more specific, I’ve put my own virginity up for auction on the Moonlight Bunny Ranch website, and I recently received my highest bid so far: a cool $3.8 million.
I've been congratulated for my "entrepreneurial gumption," as one CEO of a Fortune 500 company put it.
Strutting whore delighted to receive male attention, even if it's not good attention.
In addition to bids, however, I’ve also received an astonishing, sometimes unnerving, amount of media attention. Many of these reports have portrayed me inaccurately, however, so let me tell you what this is all about.
This all started long before September. In fact, it started in college, where my eyes were opened by my Women’s Studies professors and fellow classmates. I came to understand the role of "woman" spanning culture and time. At the university level, I was given permission to think differently and form a moral code of my own design. College opened my eyes.
Whore happy to find out college calls her occupation "sexwork."
Like most little girls, I was raised to believe that virginity is a sacred gift a woman should reserve for just the right man. But college taught me that this concept is just a tool to keep the status quo intact. Deflowering is historically oppressive—early European marriages began with a dowry, in which a father would sell his virginal daughter to the man whose family could offer the most agricultural wealth. Dads were basically their daughters’ pimps.
When I learned this, it became apparent to me that idealized virginity is just a tool to keep women in their place. But then I realized something else: if virginity is considered that valuable, what’s to stop me from benefiting from that? It is mine, after all. And the value of my chastity is one level on which men cannot compete with me. I decided to flip the equation, and turn my virginity into something that allows me to gain power and opportunity from men. I took the ancient notion that a woman’s virginity is priceless and used it as a vehicle for capitalism.
Are you rolling your eyes?
Um, take a guess.
In related news, I got busted yesterday cruising the Meat Packing District just because I wanted to keep up on the "sociological experiments" being performed by six-foot-nine trannies.
And I thought Barack Obama was going to restore science to its proper elevated position.
College Opened Her Eyes, But Not Her Dictionary: Piebandit points out dowry was paid from the bride's family to the groom, not from the groom to the bride's family. In other words, the penis got paid for; the vagina was given away for free (or, actually, money was paid to take the vagina off the family's hands).
This is why people don't pay whores to run think tanks.