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Okay... Joke's Over, I Guess »
January 20, 2009
Vid: Dear Leader Didn't Quite Nail the Repetition of the Oath Like I Thought
Flub. Of course the spin is that Roberts misread the oath himself. Which he doesn't seem to have done.
Oh, well. He's Teleprompter Jesus, not Repeating Oaths Jesus.
Correction: DrewM.from52to48withLove tells me that Roberts did flub his part, putting "faithfully" in the wrong part of the oath.
They Work Fast: Already Obama's Cultists Fellow Devotees have updated Roberts' Wiki entry to pin the glitch on him.
"He notoriously mangled the Oath of the President of the United States..."
Notoriously? Mangled?

I'm glad that we are no longer allowed to criticize the president. Sure, I loved doing it when The Madman Bush was in office, but all that negativity takes a toll.
It'll be good to have eight to ten years of pure positivity.
Remember: Authority from above, confidence from below. That's what democracy is all about. Mussolini said so.
Thanks to Scott.

posted by A New Ace for a New Era at
01:36 PM
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