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January 13, 2009
Smartest Woman in the Room Says We'll Work "Smarter, Not Harder"
All we have to do is "revitalize" the mission of "diplomacy".
That should do the trick.
WASHINGTON – Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that she intends to revitalize the mission of diplomacy in American foreign policy, calling for a "smart power" strategy in the Middle East and implicitly criticizing the Bush administration for having downgraded the role of arms control.
Seems to me that killing your enemies is the most effective method of arms control there is, and one that ought not be downgraded hastily.
In related news, Hillary further embraced her deeply held conviction (see what I did there?) that public service is a sacred trust between the people and their government, and potential conflicts of interest are best addressed with full and open financial disclosure.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, President-elect Barack Obama's choice for secretary of state, rejected calls Tuesday for more details about donors to her husband's foundation, saying she has revealed enough to avoid even the hint of conflicts. An Associated Press review found that Clinton stepped in at least a half-dozen times on issues involving businesses and others who later gave to the charity.
Clinton said as secretary of state she will not be influenced to act on behalf of her husband's contributors, which include foreign governments.
"It will not be in the atmosphere," Clinton said.
Granted, that sounds a lot nicer that "How does my ass taste, Lugar"? But I think it was the same thing.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:11 PM
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