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January 09, 2009
Two Top Al Qaeda Figures Killed By Vicious New Year's Eve Hangovers And Hellfire Missiles But Mostly Hellfire Missiles
Happy New Year bitches.
Two top al Qaeda officials are believed dead following a New Year's Day drone attack in northern Pakistan, ABC News has confirmed. U.S. officials said Fahid Mohammed Ali Msalam and Sheikh Ahmed Salem Swedan, both on the FBI's most wanted terrorists list, were killed in the CIA strike.
Msalam, who also went by the alias Usama al-Kini, and Swedan were both from Kenya and were indicted in the Aug. 7, 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and for conspiring to kill U.S. citizens.
...John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer and ABC News consultant, described Msalam as "probably the single most prominent African member of al Qaeda" and a leader who known as a "logistics whiz."
"He was very important in al Qaeda's ability to coordinate and plan very complicated terrorist operations," said Kiriakou, adding that the U.S. government had been looking for him "for a very long time."
As the saying goes, you can run but you'll just die tired. Buh-bye.

posted by DrewM. at
12:34 AM
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