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January 05, 2009
Awesome: Senate Rejects Burris
Now this is getting fun.
(CNN) The secretary of the U.S. Senate on Monday rejected the certificiate of appointment for Roland Burris, named by Illinois' controversial governor to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat, according to an aide to the secretary.
The aide said Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson rejected Burris' appointment because it does not conform with the Senate rule requiring that the secretary of state in this case, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White must sign the certificate of appointment along with the governor.
White has declined to sign the certificate, siding with some Senate Democrats who say Burris should not be seated because of the cloud over Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who is accused of trying to sell Obama's Senate seat.
According to a Democratic source and a Democratic Senate leadership aide, without the signed certificate Burris will be denied access to the Senate floor.
So what's a shameless publicity hound and
raging egoist to do?
Show up anyway, of course.
And then the super double fun begins.

posted by Slublog at
03:12 PM
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