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December 31, 2008
An Ace Of Spades New Year's PSA: Hangover Myths And Facts
I can't vouch for them but it's something to consider as you plan your Amateur Night New Year's Eve celebrations.
A sample of one doctor's advice.
(True or False) Taking pain relievers like aspirin after drinking will prevent a hangover.
False. Not only doesn't this work, it can be dangerous. Even a dose or two of aspirin can erode the stomach, causing gastritis, which would only be compounded by the stomach irritant effects of alcohol. Mixing acetominophen and alcohol can lead to acute liver inflammation.
...(True or False) Eating a big meal before going to sleep lessens the effects of a hangover.
False. A big meal, especially a fat-filled one, such as eggs and bacon, will stay in your stomach and interfere with sleep and possibly cause reflux. So, you'll wake up feeling even worse.
...(True or False)Eating a big meal before drinking can help prevent a hangover.
True. Eat that hearty fat-filled meal before drinking. It will fill you up and decrease your alcohol absorption.
Please feel free to share your hangover tips (perhaps even in Haiku form) in the comments.
I'll leave you with the only thing of importance that I learned in college...Liquor before beer, have no fear. Beer before liquor, never sicker.
Yes, my parents are very proud.
Happy New Year you morons.

posted by DrewM. at
12:22 PM
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