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December 19, 2008
Obama: I'll Deal With the Deficit... Eventually
Nice position he finds himself in, eh?
A big-spending redistributionist liberal comes to office with a pretext to utterly ignore the deficit and spend, spend, spend -- to save the Republic itself.
This will not be Clinton II. Clinton had to worry about he deficit, and limit his ambitions accordingly. Especially as it was the central issue of the 1992 campaign.
And now? Not.
Prediction: The media will not be terribly troubled by Obama's huge deficits to quite the same degree they were bothered by Bush's relatively-smallish ones.
And in case icus or seattle want to say "But there was no crisis precipitating such deficits" --
Okay. No crisis whatsoever.
Of course, George W. Bush and his complacent "conservative" Congress did us no favors on this score. It'll be like that anti-pot commecial--
Father, finding his son's pot: "Where did you learn to smoke this?!"
Son: "I learned it from you! From you, Dad!"