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December 17, 2008
In which the scary-smart CNN loudmouth explains that Kennedy is just as qualified as Hillary Clinton was to become the next Jr. Senator from New York.
On Hillary's qualifications:
Her resume?
First lady. Lawyer. Advocate for health care and children's issues.
That's it.
That's not quite it Roland, there is one teensy little difference. Hillary actually ran a campaign for the job, and was
elected by the citizens of the state (however moronic that might be, they did in fact, choose her in an election). Call me crazy, but the voters did have their shot at qualifying her for the job.
"Instead of ripping her to shreds, maybe the haters should step back and recognize that here is a woman who understands public service. A notoriously private woman who is painfully shy in public, she clearly recognizes that we are in desperate need of people who care about the public good, and not necessarily amassing power on their way up the political ladder".
Haters? Gee Roland, cry like a bitch much?
Who knew double cheeseburgers made you such a sensitive guy?
Besides me, I mean.

posted by Dave In Texas at
01:03 PM
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