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December 12, 2008
Illinois AG asks Judiciary to Remove Blagojevich UPDATE: Chief Of Staff Resigns
Getting him off the stage
Atty. General Lisa Madigan called on the Illinois Supreme Court today to temporarily remove Gov. Rod Blagojevich from office and appoint Lt. Gov. Patrick Quinn as acting governor, "so the business of the state of Illinois can go forward."
Madigan said she wants the court to bar Blagojevich from directing state contracts along with a broad range of state business.
One of her goals is to prevent Blagojevich from using his power to appoint a U.S. senator to replace President-elect Barack Obama, who abandoned the seat as he prepares to enter the White House.
Ed at Hot Air says this is a the wrong approach, arguing it's the legislature's job to remove the governor, not the judiciary's. It looks as though
the legislature is preparing to do just that. Since the governor was elected by the people, the representatives of the people should be the ones to end his political career, not the courts.
Just to add a little bit of fun to the ongoing story, an attorney from the Heartland Institute writes in the Chicago Tribune that the case against Blagojevich is "legally doubtful." Enjoy.
UPDATE [Drew M.] Blago's Chief of Staff and co-defendant resigns.

posted by Slublog at
01:06 PM
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