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Top Headline Comments 12-09-08 »
December 09, 2008
Regarding the State of Conservative Talk-Radio and the Fairness Doctrine (genghis)
A lot of talk lately regarding the return of The Fairness Doctrine with the Democratic retaking of Congress.
Kudos to the leaders of conservative talk-radio, at least in the beginning, but they’ve slowly become just like like the Republican congress-critters…entrenched in power and way too comfortable for their own good. Or ours. But, like the MSM, they’re due to be supplanted and rendered irrelevant…by blogs. Let’s tick off how they now piss off listeners and why their audiences are dwindling:
1. Rush Limbaugh: Still amusing and witty most of the time, when he’s on the air, which is maybe two days a week these days. Half of the show is devoted to the Pittsburgh Steelers and his golf game.
2. Bill O’Reilly: When not selling doormats, books, coffee mugs, t-shirts or whatever, he occasionally makes a point or two.
3. Glenn Beck: Really, dude, if I hear the fucking phrase “The Christmas Sweater” one more time, I’m going to smash my radio into bits. And what is it about you alcoholics (you can’t say “former”) that compels you to share every single moment of your alcoholic life with us?
4. Sean Hannity: Not much to say here. Boring. You’re nothing without your foil, Alan Colmes.
5. Lars Larsen: Can’t start a segment without mentioning every single station he’s on across the country. Or every any single call he receives.
6. Michael Savage: Son, you’ve gone off the rails into “”Truther” territory. You need to get a grip on reality.
We appreciate the work you’ve done…but your work is done. We’ll handle it from here. Now go play golf or something.

posted by xgenghisx at
01:21 AM
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