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Dick Armey on Squishy Conservatism »
November 07, 2008
From 48 to 52: Thanks, But No Thanks
As I noted the morning after the election, no matter how much I'm tempted, I'm going to avoid falling into the fever swamps of unbridled hatred the left has inhabited for the last eight years. I'm not happy about the election, but I'm not going to put a stupid "Not MY President" bumper sticker on my car. (A "Don't Blame Me...I Voted Red?" Maybe.)
So far, I've been successful in keeping the blood pressure down. Then I saw this site: From 52 to 48 With Love, in which the left, the same group of spoiled little brats that threw a full-throated temper tantrum after losing in 2004 now tell us that everything's okay because they finally got the kool-aid flavored lollipop they wanted.
As Treacher says "There's nothing easier than telling the guy you just beat that he should forget the depths you plumbed to do so." Precisely. It's a nice sentiment, but maybe you should have thought of it before taking the time to make signs like this, or apologizing to the world because those mean nasty Republicans didn't let you win.
Sorry, folks. No frakkin' sale. We remember "Jesusland." And stuff like this. And if you have a few hours, scroll through Malkin's "Bush Derangement Syndrome" archive. We remember everything - being called racist warmongers, Christianist nutbags, racists, and all the rest of the vitriol you folks threw at us in your "AAAHHH CHIMPY MCBUSHITLER HALLIBURTON IS THE EVILEST" stage of political development.
You spent the last eight years engaged in a disgusting orgy of divisive political hatred and now you want to play nice and pretend we're all united now? I for one am not going to treat President Obama the way you treated President Bush. That doesn't mean, though, I'm going to just forgive and forget the fact that you've polluted the political landscape with your bile and patchouli-stanking spittle.
That sentiment would have come in handy while
American soldiers were fighting in Iraq, bub

posted by Slublog at
09:23 AM
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